Surya Shakti, also known as Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, is a popular sequence of yoga asanas (poses) that are performed in a flowing sequence to honor and connect with the energy of the sun. Surya Shakti is a holistic practice that combines physical movements, breath control, and mental focus.
The practice of Surya Shakti typically involves a series of 12 poses that are performed in a rhythmic sequence. Each pose is coordinated with the breath, creating a harmonious flow of movements. The sequence includes a combination of forward bends, backward bends, lunges, and stretches, which engage various muscle groups and promote flexibility, strength, and balance.
Surya Shakti is not only a physical exercise but also a meditative practice. It is believed to activate and balance the solar energy within the body, bringing about a sense of vitality, rejuvenation, and mental clarity. It is often practiced in the morning, facing the rising sun, to invoke a sense of gratitude and harness the energy of the sun.
The practice is taught with simple, guided instructions provided by an accredited Isha™ Hatha Yoga teacher, and can be practiced thereafter at home. Regular practise sessions are also offered at the studio.