Upcoming Isha Hatha Yoga Programs


Frequently asked questions

Is Angamardana workshop suitable for me?

Angamardana is suitable for anyone who is older than 8 years. If you are relevantly mobile and have no severe back or heart problem or hernia, you are always welcome to try it out.

Due to the intensity of the practice it is not suitable for a lady who is pregnant. It is also recommended not to do Angamardana within 6 months of any open surgery; or with 6 weeks of any laparoscopic surgery.

I don't done any yoga before. Can I still attend the Angamardana workshop? 

Yes. You can for sure attend the Angamardana workshop, regardless your previous experience in yoga.  There is no pre requisite for learning Angamardana.

The entire practice is taught in such depth, including the correctness of the postures and how to do the breathing.  After the practice, you will be able to repeat the full routine on your own.